The Furthering Fair Housing project is a research program at MIT’s Department of Urban Studies and Planning to gather and analyze the Assessments of Fair Housing from municipalities across the country created in response to the 2015 Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule.
This portal is the most comprehensive source of Assessments of Fair Housing and provides important background information on the 2015 Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule as well as the latest research on the Rule’s effects.
We hope that by making these plans publicly available we can showcase the intensive local planning work that municipalities across the country conducted, encourage communities to continue making plans in the spirit of affirmatively addressing disparities in access to opportunity despite HUD’s January delay in rule implementation, and facilitate more research into ways the that the Rule and the Assessments of Fair Housing can be improved.

Photo Credits:
[left-to-right then top-to-bottom, normal English reading order]
Brooklyn, New York (photo by Justin Steil),
Brooklyn, New York (photo by Justin Steil)
Photo Credit: Mapping Inequality,
Signing of Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUB) Bill (LBJ Presidential Library)